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The Future of Fashion: High-Tech Couture

Fashion is an ever changing and dynamic form of self-expression. It seems as though there is a new popular style every few weeks, if not less. This is not only because of consumers, but because fashion is such a creative and innovative field. Designers all over the world are constantly pumping out new ideas, creating new pieces, and changing the world of fashion.

The sci-fi genre has long portrayed possibilities of what future technology could look like. They do not only show us what life could be like with high-tech medicine or machinery, but also high-tech fashion. For example, Men in Black not only showed gadgets that could wipe people's’ memories or travel through time, but also suits that were resistant to heat or could render the wearer invisible. Similar renditions of super-suits have also been portrayed in Marvel movies, such as with Black Panther’s indestructible and non technological suit. The Hunger Games is also a prime example of film experimenting with the limits of fashion. The protagonist, Katniss Everdeen, is dressed in some showstopping looks. One of her dresses was activated by a spinning movement to catch on fire, transforming it from a wedding dress to a completely different gown accompanied by spreadable wings. This was not even the only outfit that experimented with pyrotechnics, pushing the boundaries of fireproof clothing.

While the world might still be far away from reaching the level of the technology shown in movies, it certainly seems to be the direction in which it is headed. The lines between technology and fashion are starting to blur. The more advanced technology gets, the more seamless the transition seems to be. In 2017, Google and Levi’s collaborated to create the “smart jacket.” While it may seem like any old jacket, the denim sleeves can be activated to answer calls, play or skip music, and even take photos. Project Jacquard is a part of Google’s initiative to integrate technology and textiles to make a more interactive experience for users. A small electronic device, or tag, is inserted into the sleeve of the Levi’s Trucker Jacket to connect it with the user’s phone. Then, all of the features can be activated with the interactive sleeve. The design was originally meant for cyclists, to perform simple tasks like answering a phone call without having to actually pull out their phone to do so, which can be hazardous.

As the fashion industry moves forward to becoming more technologically advanced, clothes will take on a whole new meaning of functionality. The things we wear will have a new way of serving our needs. And, the closer the industry gets to what is seen in the movies, the more possibilities there are for people to express themselves. High-tech clothing also opens doors to revolutionizing sustainable fashion, from the way clothes are made to the longevity of the fabrics. Who knows, maybe holograms will be the answer to eliminating waste from the fashion industry! The possibilities are truly endless.

Written by Zoe Abovitz,

DWF Writer and Contributor

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